








A well-rounded job

KUKA CEE was faced with the challenge that after-sales service was not receiving the necessary attention despite its outstanding technologies. In order to close this gap, a comprehensive communication concept was developed. In several strategy workshops, we developed a plan with concrete measures that covered the entire product and annual cycle. This formed the basis for a precise communication campaign that clearly and comprehensibly conveyed the added value of the services to customers and ensured long-term success.

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KUKA is a leading global provider of automation solutions in industries such as automotive, electronics and e-commerce. Despite its technological excellence, the after-sales area fell short of expectations, as customers often did not recognize the full benefits of the service offerings. The aim of the project was to develop a comprehensive communication strategy that clearly communicates the strengths of KUKA’s services along the entire product life cycle. A detailed concept was developed in several workshops, which defined specific measures to optimally position the service. This was followed by a targeted visual implementation, which ensured that the communication messages were conveyed clearly and memorably both internally and externally.

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Customized strategies for maximum service impact.

According to a study by McKinsey & Company, companies that use strategic workshops increase their probability of success in the implementation of complex projects by 30%. With this in mind, intensive strategy workshops were held in which we analyzed the complex sales structure together with the KUKA team. The focus was on finding creative solutions to unite the various service areas – Field Service, College and Engineering – under a consistent communication umbrella. The workshops not only developed a detailed strategy, but also defined specific measures along the product and yearly cycle. These workshops laid the foundation for the communication concept and ensured that KUKA was able to communicate its service messages precisely and effectively. The aim was to develop a communication concept that makes KUKA’s services – from maintenance to training – visible along the entire product life cycle.

A clear picture: convincing visuals.

At the heart of KUKA’s service division are the people who bring automation technology to life through their expertise and passion. To emphasize this human element, we organized a creative photo shoot showing the service employees in their daily interaction with the robots. These authentic shots showcase the connection between people and technology and reflect KUKA’s core values: precision, commitment and expertise. The result was a visual identity that emphasizes both the human and technological aspects of service.

Technology and people: A strong connection.

In KUKA’s service department, the focus is on people and their expertise. To emphasize this visually, we carried out a creative photo shoot on site with the dedicated employees. The authentic portrayal of the team members brings the human element of automation technology to life. The shots not only show the interaction between the employees and the robots, but also the passion and expertise that goes into each service offering. Each photo tells its own story and connects the technology with the people who operate it. In this way, we create a visual identity that reflects the company’s core values and emphasizes the relationship between man and machine.

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